This yoga teacher development course is for existing teachers of hatha yoga with a 200 hour certification, who wish to immerse themselves in this approach in the service of their yoga community. Ideally you feel a deep longing to share yogas numerous therapeutic benefits with your students, a compassionate approach to their past traumas. Perhaps you would like to gain experience and confidence in how to offer careful and individual assistance to your students with the tools of your voice, listening, touch and energy. The will be a large portfolio of asanas that we will work with to provide a rich seam to mine for all evolving teachers of Hatha Yoga, and this training will look at the specifics of assistance for about thirty asanas and vinyasas.
This course will support successful applicants in their learning through:
🌱 Consent - how do we ascertain this?
🌱 The energy of touch
🌱 Specific assistance and adjustment techniques for beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners of all ages
🌱 Differentiation - finding the right approach for the individual within a group setting
🌱 Instruction from Emma Spencer-Goodier - a senior teacher, coach and yoga elder with twenty two years of ashtanga teaching experience
🌱 40 hours of Continued Professional Development in the art of touch
🌱 The art of holding transformational space
🌱 Some basic massage and aromatherapy instruction
🌱 Ongoing mentoring - follow up calls and conversations to support you in gaining confidence in class
🌱 A community of like minded practitioners with whom you share a sense of belonging to a wider sangha of teachers
🌱 A small and intimate classroom setting - only ten spaces will be sold
Assisting - The Art of Touch
Three day intensive course - 19 - 21 November 2024
How we assist, educate, soothe, facilitate and encourage our students looks different day to day, student to student, season to season. Their needs are a changing landscape. Their past experiences, triumphs and traumas, shape their relationship with you, their teacher and how they would like to be supported as they learn and practice yoga. This non-residential yoga teacher development intensive, on the Isle of Wight, will examine and explore the teacher's kinaesthetic touch and allow you to hone and develop your skills of evaluating consent, physical assistance and the healing energy of touch.
Working in an intimate environment with a maximum of ten attendees, Emma Spencer-Goodier will share her experience gleaned over decades of working with, assisting and supporting thousands of students in regular yoga classes and at various levels.
As a teacher it is important that we grow alongside our students, never limiting them to our own perceived boundaries. As such we remember that before teaching comes practice and we will begin our days a with 90 class before moving in the assisting workshops.
Price of this course & payment conditions...
£360 total - (£150 deposit)
Pre-requisites for this course - a 200 hr foundation certificate in the learning of Hatha Yoga. A sincere wish to be of service through yoga and a willingness to commit to a sustained practice of svadhyaya.
The course is non-residential, however there is the possibility of camping in the garden of the yoga shala, or to take a room in the adjacent house. Camping is free. A room within the house is available on shared bathroom basis at the price of an additional £45 per night per person.